Safety Tips
With the larger size and height of vehicles today, drivers are having an increasingly difficult time seeing young children around their vehicles in driveways and parking lots. Children are at greater risk than ever before. The Parking Pal is a wonderful aid in teaching young children safety in parking lots. Apply these rules to help keep children safer.
- Teach children that vehicles can be dangerous and drivers cannot always see them
- Teach them that parked vehicles might move and teach them to stay safely away
- Teach them NEVER to play around or behind a vehicle
- Teach them never to play in driveways
- Teach them to use their Parking Pal in parking lots
- Know where your children are in parking lots when loading and unloading
- Never leave a child unattended around a moving vehicle, not even for a few seconds
- Be especially careful during Holidays or when parking lots are full
- Always hold a child's hand when walking to and from the vehicle in parking lots
- And remember to always watch for other children, always move your vehicle slowly when pulling in or backing out of a parking spot
- We do want to add, be especially careful in church parking lots. People tend to let their guard down.
Until all vehicles are equipped with back-up cameras, the Parking Pal is a helping hand.