News and Reviews
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Site Manager of, Jacquie Chakirelis, displayed products that mothers can test, give feedback and then keep, featuring Parking Pal! [Watch]
If you are like me then you immediately feel a sense of dread when you are getting ready to walk in a parking lot with young children. I am always terrified that I will lose track of one of my three young children when we are entering or exiting our car in a parking lot and we know the devastation that could easily happen in just one missed second. [Read more...]
Parking Pals are colorful and fun "child-enticing" magnets that you place on the side of your vehicle which have a picture of a palm on it, where kids can place their hands on. This allows them to stay in a safe area where you know they will be. Have them stay there with their hand on the Parking Pal, until you are able to assist them into the car or away from the vehicle. [Read more...]
First Up - Parking Pal-
Mamas often ask me about the products I use, and it's no wonder Ð I have a lot of kids and am co-founder of Mabel's Labels. This means I go to a lot of consumer shows and have the opportunity to test drive a lot the good stuff out there. So, here's my little space where I'll be sharing my opinion about the products that work for me! First up Ð Parking Pal Magnets [Read more...]
"How cool is this! What an ingenious little idea". [Read more...]
Parking Pal Magnet gifts to swag bags Parking Pal Magnet Keeps Little Ones Nearby-
Any mom of two little ones knows how difficult it can be to keep one child near your car as you load the other one into the car seat. My daughter, who usually is very good at listening, often runs across our driveway when something catches her eye. [Read more...]
"I think the Parking Pal is every parents little helper." Featured under Hot Products section. [Read more...]
"This was great! It seemed to give him a fun game to play while waiting for mommy". [Read more...]
"With the larger size and height of vehicles today drivers are having an increasingly difficult time seeing young children around their vehicles in driveways and parking lots. Children are at greater risk than ever before. The Parking Pal is a wonderful aid in helping parents keep their children safer in parking lots". [Read more...]
"These things are some serious evidence of the brilliance of a desperate mother". [Read more...]
"One creative Mom invented Parking Pal Magnets to give her children a safe place to wait while getting in and out of the car". [Read more...]
"It's brillant and I absolutely LOVE it". [Read more...]
"When I learned about this product, I wanted to try one right away. And sure thing- it works"! [Read more...]
"Have you ever needed a helping hand with your kids in the parking lot?
The Parking Pal is designed to do just that! The Parking Pal was created by Denise Whitney to keep children safe in parking lots". [Read more...]
"Parking Pal would make a great gift for new parents and/or grandparents". [Read more...]
"Surrounded by crazy drivers and noisy traffic, moms need to feel secure their children are safe in a busy parking lot. Finally, a simple and reliable solution the Parking Pal Magnet"! [Read more...]
"Confession time: parking lots scare me. Now that my daughter is mobile (and fast!), I tend to see danger lurking behind every parked car". [Read more...]
"One of my biggest worries is how to keep Nevaeh safe in parking lots while taking Korbyn out of the car seat. How do you keep her from running off or goofing off in the parking lot. Well, thanks to a wonderful new friend of mine 'PARKING PAL MAGNET,' I am not so worried anymore". [Read more...]
"Juggling 2 kids in a parking lot gives me a real appreciation for this parking lot safety related gizmo. The Parking Pal magnet is as simple as can be and it totally makes sense". [Read more...]
"Thank goodness for the new Parking Pals! For use in parking lots, the Parking Palª magnetic hand isdesigned to help busy parents keep their child out of harm's way while tending to other tasks". [Read more...]
Articles & Announcements:
How to Baby Proof Your Car. Car parks and children. Parking Pal featured on Parent Guide. Read more.
Busy parents can use Parking Pal Magnet by Susan McInarary.
PARKING PAL Local women design car magnet to keep kids safe by Amy Jo Johnson.
Denise did a live radio interview with Johnny Burke and the Morning Crew to discuss a great new safety product called the Parking Pal, and how it came about.
Denise did a live interview with news radio and talked about being a mompreneur and her new safety product called the Parking Pal.
Magnetic attraction hold kids' attention by Amy Jo Johnson.
Parking Pal Magnet was honored with the distinction of being included in the Sirens Society Red Carpet Charity Event "Still Thankful Still Giving" held Nov. 29, 2007 at Cinespace in Hollywood. Among those attending were Lauren Holly, Molly Sims, Jodi Fung. The Sirens Society is a women's organization committed to helping the disadvantaged and disabled. If you find yourself screaming "Stay by the car!" each time your children get out of your vehicle, then perhaps you need the Parking Pal. The CD-sized magnet features a handprint, which children can be taught to touch with their hand until mom or dad is ready to go. The "pal" was designed by a Michigan mother of two who needed help occupying one child while she unloaded the other. If your child goes for it, it could be a life-saving tool.